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SimBSI / LSL signal acquisition example

In the following example, we use the LSLInlet block to read in EEG data from the network and visualize them using the Multichannel Scope block.


We can configure the data acquisition by double-clicking on the LSLInlet block and filing up the following window pops up.


To minimize errors, we recommend that instead of input parameters manually, you click on Select stream to discover the LSL streams that are visible on your network.


Select one stream from the table and click Select to automatically populate the LSLInlet input form with the metadata of the desired stream.


Then click OK or Apply to set the parameters.

To configure the Multichannel scope with the right axis labels we need to pop up its configuration window. Copy (Ctrl+c) the channel labels and sampling rate from the LSLInlet block and paste (Ctrl+v) them into their respective fields as shown below.


Click OK to close the configuration window and then run the pipeline by clicking on the Run icon as shown below.


Once the samples start flowing into the pipeline they will be plotted on an interactive figure as shown below.


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