
Issue #1400 closed
Havokdan created an issue

I tried to create a translation, I don't know what I did wrong, can it be used?

Comments (14)

  1. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    Thank you! It works fine. I will use it from the next version.

    Readme (how to create language file) is outdated and will be updated.

  2. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    NeeViewCanary1209 with embedded resources.

    It will be included in the next release (Ver 40.2, early next week).

  3. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    40.2 has been released. This concludes this issue.

    When updating in the future, please create a new issue or make a pull request. The file "" is all you need.

    Thank you.

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