Support Extract to Memory

Issue #455 closed
Former user created an issue

Currently we may extract files to temporary directory. I wonder if you can also add a configuration entry that can extract files to memory to speedup the performance especially for solid archive. Cheers and thanks for your great work,

Comments (4)

  1. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    Thank you for your request. We will consider implementation.


  2. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    2. オンメモリで展開
        2)前後 30枚など 先行展開

  3. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    7zの事前展開先をメモリにする設定追加。 (fixed #455) 7zの「全て事前展開」設定廃止。ほとんど効果がないため。

    → <<cset 5d079dc0e4d3>>

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