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hellenismos-hypostates - digital support for an Ancient Greek reader

The hellenismos-hypostates repository contains XQuery scripts and XML (and some CSV) files supporting the Ancient Greek reader: 60 brief extracts of Greek prose, prepared for the course Grčka morfologija 1 (Greek morphology 1), 2018/19, University of Zagreb, Croatia, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Classical Philology.

The reader, typeset with LaTeX, with vocabulary exercises prepared for Anki, has its own repository, hellenismos.

The XML files in this repository contain morphological annotation and lemmatization of Greek words, a list of "core vocabulary" (most common words in Ancient Greek), based on the Dickinson College Greek Core Vocabulary lists (with Croatian translations), and lists of words used in the reader and in the exercises.

The XQuery scripts select specific data from several XML databases (of reading selections, morphological annotations and lemmatizations, vocabulary lists).

There is also a report on passages from our reader present in the Scaife Viewer of the Perseus Digital Library: passages in Scaife.

This repository was prepared by Neven Jovanović.

Concordance of Greek with XQuery

For thoughts and scripts, see a report on concording Greek.

Morphology annotation instructions

Croatian instructions for specific and ambiguous cases in Greek morphology annotation: Annotation Instructions (Croatian)

60 commented selections of Greek prose for the Greek Morphology 2 course


CC Attribution 4.0 International

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