'Restart' action shown in the 'complete' notification does not work

Issue #30 closed
Mike R created an issue

Tapping restart on a completed timer does not restart the timer for me. Instead, the timer displays a remaining duration value of 0:00.

Possibly related:

  • If a user initiates a timer while having the app open to the ‘timer’ page (the one that shows the bottom mediabar), the buttons visible are:

    • ‘stop’ and ‘pause’ (as expected)
  • Upon the timer completing, the buttons switch to:

    • 'x' and 'restart’ buttons (as expected)
  • Upon restarting the timer via notification, the visible buttons remain as:

    • 'x' and 'restart’ buttons (not as expected but may be related to the duration issue)
  • Upon switching screens to a different app and switching back, the buttons change to:

    • ‘stop’ and ‘pause’ (as expected if timer worked. However, one wouldn’t expect the buttons to change due to switching between apps)

Comments (3)

  1. Devin Rodriguez

    Interesting. I'm also getting some very weird behavior if you use a different timer before the simple timer, it restarts the other timer instead.

    I believe the other timer is starting up because it is still listening for the restart broadcast, I will need to unsubscribe those listeners. As for the Simple timer, I need to call a reset on the underlying timer object instead of passing it to itself.

    Will fix in upcoming release.

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