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itron-bsp-manual / deploy-the-yocto-with-tx-create-sd-card-script



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The TX Create Yocto SD Card script

The Itron TX SD card creation script is provided on an "AS IS" basis.

You can use the script to create TX SD card or TX recovery SD card.

We can use the output of the Yocto build to create a bootable SD card, and use it to flash the target NAND flash/eMMC (TX recovery SD card only).

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The SD card script usage and options


To use that script first you have to build the Yocto Linux image.

You can find instruction how to build the Yocto image here:

Build the Yocto linux

When you finish building your image (fsl-image-gui or fsl-image-qt5) and you want to deploy the image you have to run the following command:

$ sudo MACHINE=<tx070s|tx101s|tx070l|tx070u> ../sources/meta-itron-fslc/scripts/tx_yocto_sdcard/ [options] /dev/sdX
Note: /dev/sdX - change /dev/sdX to your device name
Note: <tx070s|tx101s|tx070l|tx070u> - please choose the proper machine
Note: [options] - please add chosen options
Note: to run the script you have to be in the Yocto build directory


Following options are available:

  • -h Display help message
  • -s Only show partition sizes to be written, without actually write them
  • -a Automatically set the rootfs partition size to fill the SD card
  • -i Select an alternative image name. Choose between fsl-image-gui or fsl-image-qt5.
  • -r Create recovery card. You can use that card to install Yocto on the eMMC.
  • -rb Select an alternative building directory for recovery (eMMC) image (build_x11_v2 etc.).
  • -ri Select an alternative image name for recovery (eMMC) image. Choose between fsl-image-gui or fsl-image-qt5.
  • -rm Select an alternative machine name for recovery (eMMC) image.
  • -n Add a release Notes text file.

If you don't use the '-a' option, a default rootfs size of 3700MiB will be used. Once the script is done, you can use the SD card to boot the Yocto linux on your board.

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Deploy the Yocto to eMMC or NAND with the recovery image

With the TX Create Yocto SD Card script you can create also the special version of SD card - TX recovery SD card.

The TX recovery SD card allows you to deploy the Yocto Linux to eMMC or NAND.

Once the script is done, use the TX recovery SD card to boot, and then to flash your internal storage/s either use the icon Install Yocto or the following linux shell script:

$ -b tx070l
Note: after the -b option you have to specify the machine name

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Alternative ways to deploy Yocto to SD card

Use the dd command

You can use the dd command to deploy the image to the SD card.

You have to be in your build directory (framebuffer or x11).

For example:

$ cd ~/itron-fslc-yocto/build_fb


$ cd ~/itron-fslc-yocto/build_x11

Then you can you deploy the image with the dd command.

For GUI (tx070s):

$ sudo dd if=tmp/deploy/images/var-som-mx6/fsl-image-gui-tx070s.sdcard of=/dev/sdX bs=1M && sync


For Qt5 (tx070s):

$ sudo dd if=tmp/deploy/images/var-som-mx6/fsl-image-gui-tx070s.sdcard of=/dev/sdX bs=1M && sync
Note: if you want to use different machine please replace tx070s (fsl-image-gui-tx070s.sdcard) with your machine

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