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foo_httpcontrol / Building guide

It is possible to build the component with MSVC++ 2022 Community Edition.

Check out repository. It will be considered a root of the project.

You need to download additional dependencies:

Extract the following files to the following places:

  • to repo_dir/foo_httpcontrol/lib
  • to repo_dir/foo_httpcontrol/lib/zlib

Open repo_dir/foo_httpcontrol/foo_httpcontrol.sln in MSVS.

For zlibstat.lib to link correctly, you have to remove ZLIB_WINAPI preprocessor definition in zlibstat project properties (Configuration properties/C/C++/Preprocessor). Also note that Release version of zlibstat requires assembler, so make sure to choose individual Release-Without-Asm configuration for zlibstatproject if you don't have one. For x64 target you'll have to add the following line where appropriate in zlibstat.vcxproj:

<ExcludedFromBuild Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='ReleaseWithoutAsm|x64'">true</ExcludedFromBuild>

zlib-1.2.12 does not compile out of the box, check the solution on project github issues.

Install WTL NuGet package to satisfy WTL headers dependency.

Switch solution configuration to Debug or Release, and target platform to Win32 or x64. The component build should probably be successful.

Please do not use already released component name and/or version number - it will make finding actual errors using crash dumps/fb2k crash tracker much harder. Version/name data can be changed in Build/foo_httpcontrol/src/version.h.
