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occam-web / Occam-CLI / Commands

Occam Command Line: Commands


OCCAM can be used directly from the command line to do local work and also interact with the web-portal through scripts and through manual command line interaction. This should make it easier to integrate specialized tools into your OCCAM workflow.

Developers of simulators and other objects can use these commands to test how well your simulator runs within an OCCAM system and will give you better, fuller, and faster feedback for any issues that may arise.

Getting Started

If you want to play around with these commands, install OCCAM and then: Note: occam-worker must be in your path to access the "occam" tool.

git clone
cd occam-simulator-dramsim2
occam install
occam build
occam new
occam run

This will download, build, and run a VM with DRAMSim2. You should have an output.json with the results of the default DRAMSim2 configuration. Painless!


Installs the object in the current path or the given path.


Builds the object in the current path or the given path.


Runs an interactive VM of the given object and presents a read-only terminal session.


Runs the given object's run command, if it exists, while mounting the current working directory into the VM as the working path.


Instantiates a new local experiment. Yields an input.json that can be used to run the experiment. If you do not give it any arguments, it will generate the default experiment.
