
OICP 2.1 Remote Reservation Start | C#

Created by Julius Poessnecker

File (0) OICP Added

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+The service description can be found in the OICP 2.1.
+3.2.1 eRoamingAuthorizeRemoteReservationStart
+To download the latest OICP Version, please visit our website:

File (1) Authorize Remote Start | C#.cs Added

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+/// <summary>
+/// Initialize the OICP HTTP/SOAP/XML server using IPAddress.Any.
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="TCPPort">The TCP listing port.</param>
+/// <param name="URIPrefix">An optional prefix for the HTTP URIs.</param>
+public CPOServer(IPPort  TCPPort,
+                 String  URIPrefix = "")
+/// <summary>
+/// Initiate a remote reservation of the given charging session at the given EVSE
+/// and for the given Provider/eMAId.
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="Timestamp">The timestamp of the request.</param>
+/// <param name="RoamingNetworkId">The unique identification for the roaming network.</param>
+/// <param name="SessionId">The unique identification for this charging session.</param>
+/// <param name="PartnerSessionId">The unique identification for this charging session on the partner side.</param>
+/// <param name="ProviderId">The unique identification of the e-mobility service provider.</param>
+/// <param name="eMAId">The unique identification of the e-mobility account.</param>
+/// <param name="EVSEId">The unique identification of an EVSE.</param>
+/// <param name="ChargingProductId">The unique identification of the choosen charging product at the given EVSE.</param>
+/// <param name="CancellationToken">A token to cancel this task.</param>
+/// <returns>A RemoteReservationStartResult task.</returns>
+public delegate Task<RemoteReservationStartResult> OnRemoteReservationStartDelegate(DateTime            Timestamp,
+                                                              RoamingNetwork_Id   RoamingNetworkId,
+                                                              ChargingSession_Id  SessionId,
+                                                              ChargingSession_Id  PartnerSessionId,
+                                                              EVSP_Id             ProviderId,
+                                                              eMA_Id              eMAId,
+                                                              EVSE_Id             EVSEId,
+                                                              ChargingProduct_Id  ChargingProductId,
+                                                              CancellationToken   CancellationToken);
+/// <summary>
+/// An event fired whenever a remote reservation command was received.
+/// </summary>
+public event OnRemoteReservationStartDelegate OnRemoteReservationStart;

File (2) Example.cs Added

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+var CPOServer = new CPOServer(new IPPort(3103));
+CPOServer.OnRemoteReservationStart(async (Timestamp,
+                               RoamingNetworkId,
+                               SessionId,
+                               PartnerSessionId,
+                               ProviderId,
+                               eMAId,
+                               EVSEId,
+                               ChargingProductId,
+                               CancellationToken) => {
+    Console.WriteLine("[" +                  Timestamp.        ToString() +
+                      "] RemoteStart in '" + RoamingNetworkId. ToString() +
+                      "' from '"           + ProviderId.       ToString() +
+                      "' for '"            + eMAId.            ToString() +
+                      "' at '"             + EVSEId.           ToString() +
+                      "' / '"              + ChargingProductId.ToString() +
+                      "'");
+    return await Task.FromResult(RemoteReservationStartResult.Success);

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