OpenXML Filter: styled text parts of PowerPoint documents should be extracted as modifiable ones

Issue #1011 resolved
Denis Konovalyenko created an issue

Styled text parts of PowerPoint documents should be extracted as modifiable ones if they can’t be translated for some reasons (hidden, excluded, etc.).

The corresponding code snippet of net.sf.okapi.filters.openxml.PowerpointDocument#nextPart:

if (!isTranslatablePart(entry)) {
   if (isModifiablePart(contentType)) {
      return new ModifiablePart(this.generalDocument, entry, this.generalDocument.inputStreamFor(entry));
   return new NonModifiablePart(this.generalDocument, entry);

As styles can be amended on merge due to the font mapping process being applied, there may appear some losses in this regard.

So, it would be better to make sure that all excluded or hidden styled text parts do not become “NonModifiable”.

Comments (3)

  1. Denis Konovalyenko reporter

    The proposed behaviour will be implemented for the hidden parts only, as we have to offer the ability of selective exclusion for translation and modification as well.

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