GoogleMTv2Connector cannot be cast to net.sf.okapi.lib.translation.ITMQuery

Issue #1015 new
ysavourel created an issue

From Gert:

  • load the xliff file to translate in the Input List 1
  • set all correctly in languages (EN>FR) and encoding (UTF-8>UTF-8)
  • specify the output path in other settings
  • Edit/Execute Pipeline
  • add: raw doc to filter events
  • add: Simple batch leveraging (and add my Google Translate API key)
  • add: filter events to raw doc
  • execute!

Then I get this error, and I have no idea what's wrong. 

ERROR: cannot be cast to net.sf.okapi.lib.translation.ITMQuery

Comments (2)

  1. ysavourel reporter

    the issue is that GoogleV2 connector implements IQuery (like most MT engines), not ITMQuery, which is used by the step. The difference is the capability to have a threshold for the accepted

    While it should be OK to do this with a MT connector (they usually have a score set to 95 by default), we may have to think a bit about what to change: the step most likely need to handle the threshold, so the fix would work for all MT connectors, not just GoogleV2.

    Not sure we want to do this before next release.

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