OpenXML Filter: DrawingML text line break repositioning on merge causes some documents to become corrupted

Issue #1058 resolved
Denis Konovalyenko created an issue

When the filter parameter bPreferenceAddLineSeparatorAsCharacter.b=true and there is a a:p>a:br in a document, it is written back as a:p>a:r>a:br. This causes the repairing dialogue to appear if additional formatting is applied to text before or after a:br.

For instance, if there is a PPTX document with the following UI:

it can be represented after round-tripping as:

Here are the slide parts differences:

Furthermore, as it was noted, if extra formatting is involved, merged documents can’t be opened correctly by PowerPoint.

For more information please refer to the attached documents.

Comments (11)

  1. Alessandro Falappa

    Can confirm this. We have encountered this in production several times.

    Currently worked around with bPreferenceAddLineSeparatorAsCharacter.b=false

  2. Denis Konovalyenko reporter

    @Alessandro Falappa , for some reasons it is not allowed - “Alessandro Falappa is not a member of this workspace and cannot be added to this pull request”. Sorry.

  3. Alessandro Falappa

    I could merge the PR in my local branch and let you know, but it could take a while, better proceed with the standard workflow.

    Otherwise I will test it once merged and report back.

  4. Chase Tingley

    I think we might need to add Alessandro to the Developers group for the project to be able to assign him as a reviewer.

  5. Denis Konovalyenko reporter

    @Chase Tingley , thanks for the hint!

    @Alessandro Falappa , does it sound practical for you? I think @ysavourel could add you to the project group if you are OK with this.

  6. Denis Konovalyenko reporter

    @Alessandro Falappa , thanks for replying!

    @ysavourel , do you think we can add @Alessandro Falappa to the project workspace? Is there anything else we should take care of in this regard?

  7. Alessandro Falappa

    @Denis Konovalyenko I can confirm this fix is effective, I have tested it using Okapi Dev in our product!

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