Alternative translations do not work for repetitions within paragraphs

Issue #1065 duplicate
Manuel Souto Pico created an issue

UPDATE: Moved to ticket #36 in the OmegaT plugin issues list.


Alternative translation in OmegaT have the function of stopping auto-propagation. They rely on the segment’s context: for XLIFF files the context can be the segment’s ID (<trans-unit id=...), for other file types a virtual ID is created for each text unit (e.g. paragraphs).


  • OmegaT version 5.5.4.
  • Plugin okapiFiltersForOmegaT-1.9-1.41.0.jar installed
  • A translated OmegaT project containing a document with several repeated sentences in the same paragraph:

First sentence in paragraph. This is a repeated sentence. This is a repeated sentence. Last sentence in paragraph.

Steps to reproduce

  1. In one of the repetitions, create an alternative translation, and press Ctrl+S to save.
  2. Do the same in another occurrence of the same repetition.

Expected results

  1. of the first step:

    1. The first alternative translation created appears in the Multiple Translations pane, together with its context (the ID).
    2. The first alternative translation does not auto-propagate to other repetitions.
  2. of the second step:

    1. The second alternative translation appears in the Multiple Translation pane, together with its context (the ID), which is different from the ID of the first alternative translation.
    2. The second alternative translation does not auto-propagate to other repetitions.

In a nutshell, each segment in the project has its own unique ID.

Actual results

  1. of the first step:

    1. As expected.
    2. The first alternative translation propagates to the second repetition (and any others within the same segment).
  2. of the second step:

    1. The text of the alternative translation in the Multiple Translations pane changes (its ID does not change) and no more alternative translations are added to the Multiple Translations pane.
    2. The second alternative translation auto-propagates to the first repetition.

This screencast hopefully illustrates the issue:

In a nutshell, each paragraph in the source document has its own unique ID, but not each segment in the project. Segments containing sentences from one same paragraph have the same ID.


Each segment in the project should have its own unique ID, e.g. tu5_0, tu5_1, tu5_2, etc.

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