ERROR: Index -30005 out of bounds for length 0

Issue #1077 resolved
Wei JIANG created an issue

ERROR: Index -30005 out of bounds for length 0
When I try creating a project from the following utf8 text file, I always get the captioned error.!AqMx36ZH6wJMhb408cFes4AH_PWNHQ?e=A0fTpO

Comments (5)

  1. Chase Tingley

    This extracted fine for me in tikal:

    $ -fc okf_plaintext -x xab.txt -sl zh -tl en
    Okapi Tikal - Localization Toolset
    Source language: en
    Target language: fr
    Default input encoding: UTF-8
    Filter configuration: okf_plaintext
    Output: /home/tingley/Downloads/xab.txt.xlf
    Input: /home/tingley/Downloads/xab.txt
    Done in 7.454s

    Can you provide the steps to reproduce your problem?

  2. Handika Dwi

    ./ -x ~/Downloads/xab.txt -sl zh -tl en

    I also get this error on Mac M1 on v1.41.0 (latest stable release)
    but extracted fine on

  3. Handika Dwi

    I think this will be resolved on the next major release cause I can extract it fine on the latest revision on dev branch

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