[XLIFF] NPE in RepetitionAnalysisStep when there is target locale and its content is empty and source not

Issue #1084 resolved
Iverson Pereira created an issue

Package: net.sf.okapi.steps.repetitionanalysis;

File: RepetitionAnalysisStep.java

for (Segment seg : ssegments) {
   Segment tseg = null;
   if (tsegments != null) {
      tseg = tsegments.get(seg.getId()); //Don't match when target is empty and source not.

In code tsegments.get(seg.getId()) to infer target segment the content of target is empty, thus the seg.getId() don't corresponds to correct position, as the tsegments is empty it ends up generating a null segment because the id don't match with the correct position.

if (tsegments != null) {

   // For word counts
   AltTranslationsAnnotation ata = tseg.getAnnotation(AltTranslationsAnnotation.class); //NPE here because tseg is null

If target content is empty I’d suggest you to check if tsSeg is not null to proceed and avoid NPE.

Attached an example file.

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