Incorrect numeration of keys when attributes are saved

Issue #1089 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Hi there! We have faced the following problem in Okapi Olifant 3.0.8. When there are attributes saved on the File -> TM Properties -> Attributes tab, numeration of keys starts from 2. But if we delete all of the attributes, it starts from 1, which is correct. We need some of the attributes saved. And we also need correct numeration. Is it a bug? Can you help resolve this issue?

Comments (4)

  1. ysavourel

    I’m afraid, that application (Olifant 3.0.8 for Windows) is no longer supported. The source code is available if you have the time and resource to work on this.

    I don’t know if it may help, but one way to regenerate the IDs may be to save/export the file, open it with a text editor and replace all the <tu tuid=”000N”> by <tu> (a regular expression should be able to do this easily). then you can re-open the file in Olifant and use Entries > Generate IDs and save the file. You should have the tuid now with new values.

  2. ysavourel

    That’s correct. there is a Java version that was started. But it never went as far as the Windows version.
    And we had no resource to keep working on the Windows version. It is relatively stable, despite a few bugs.

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