Regex macstrings \t issue

Issue #1136 new
wanderson aparecido dos reis created an issue

The text has tabs in the sentence. Rainbow creates the xlf file perfectly. When you restore the original file, the tabs appear as "\t".

What happens for tabs to appear as literal “\t” and literal "\n" to appear as literal "\\\n" after rainbow post processing.

The program using this macstrings throws Exception because of Escape character.

This has caused me the problem of having to remove them manually.

Original text:

"3004║$f_con_credit" = "| PRODUCER{Text NewLine} Yoshinori Kitase{Text NewLine}{Text NewLine}DIRECTOR{Text NewLine} Naoki Hamaguchi{Text NewLine}{Text NewLine}PROJECT MANAGER{Text NewLine} Rie Saito{Text NewLine}{Text NewLine}PROJECT COORDINATOR{Text NewLine} Kenji Nishikawa";

Rainbow xlf text: <trans-unit id="2932" resname="3004║$f_con_credit" xml:space="preserve"> <source xml:lang="en-US">| PRODUCER{Text NewLine} Yoshinori Kitase{Text NewLine}{Text NewLine}DIRECTOR{Text NewLine} Naoki Hamaguchi{Text NewLine}{Text NewLine}PROJECT MANAGER{Text NewLine} Rie Saito{Text NewLine}{Text NewLine}PROJECT COORDINATOR{Text NewLine} Kenji Nishikawa</mrk></target> </trans-unit>

Rainbow pos processing text

"3004║$f_con_credit" = "|\tPRODUCER{Text NewLine}\tYoshinori Kitase{Text NewLine}{Text NewLine}DIRECTOR{Text NewLine}\tNaoki Hamaguchi{Text NewLine}{Text NewLine}PROJECT MANAGER{Text NewLine}\tRie Saito{Text NewLine}{Text NewLine}PROJECT COORDINATOR{Text NewLine}\tKenji Nishikawa”;

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