Itegration tests: Okapi: The alternate gold file support

Issue #1169 resolved
Denis Konovalyenko created an issue

This is a follow-up for pull request #650.

Chase Tingley

As we accumulate more cases where we have known failing files in the integration tests, it might be worthwhile to expand the integration test framework to allow addKnownFailingFile to specify an alternate gold file to compare to instead of the roundtripped version.

Denis Konovalyenko

As far as I remember, the proposed comparison with gold files has been a standard practice for some filters, especially the Open XML one. So, I am OK with following this approach in the Okapi integration tests as well.

Jim Hargrave Work

I think having the ability to specify an alternate golden file is a good idea. I know in some cases roundtrip doesn’t produce an exact version of the original. I’ve tried to compensate for this by adding several test parameters like ignore whitespace, ignore skeleton etc…

The only downside is that we will have another gold file to maintain. But if we keep the number small it is worth it IMHO.

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