CSV filter with double quote and comma and line-feed not working

Issue #118 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 118](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=118) created by @ysavourel on 2010-02-11T05:23:48.000Z:

Given the following CSV entries:

815,"works ""text"" and ""text"" text " 815,"works ""text"", and ""text"" text" 815,"does not work ""text"", and ""text"" text "

The last entry generates an error. See the attached file with its configuration.

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [2.](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=118#c2) originally posted by @ysavourel on 2010-02-13T02:26:20.000Z:

    It seems the change is having some side effects. Some strings not do not get extracted properly:

    999,"A text1 text2 <B>text3</B>, text4."

    only the text with Xs gets extracted:

    999,"X <x>xxxxN</x> xxxxN <X>xxxxN</X>, text4."

    The configuration is the same.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [3.](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=118#c3) originally posted by @ysavourel on 2010-02-13T14:27:17.000Z:

    The latest update fixes the previous case. but this case is still an issue:

    111,Text 222," text1 ""text2"" text3, text4, text5." 333,"Text"

    In the entry 222, the end part [, text4, text5.] is not extracted:

    111,Xxxx 222," xxxxN ""xxxxN"" xxxxN, text4, text5." 333,"Xxxx"

    It seems also that the " qualifier gets included in the text for 222. It does not for 333 (correctly) as the option 'exclude text qualifier from extracted text is on'. In XLIFF we get:

    <group id="2" restype="row"> <trans-unit id="1" resname="111" xml:space="preserve"> <source xml:lang="en-us">Text</source> <target xml:lang="it-it">Text</target> </trans-unit> </group> <group id="4" restype="row"> <trans-unit id="2" resname="222" xml:space="preserve"> <source xml:lang="en-us">" text1 <ph id="1">"</ph>"text2<ph id="2">"</ph>" text3</source> <target xml:lang="it-it">" text1 <ph id="1">"</ph>"text2<ph id="2">"</ph>" text3</target> </trans-unit> </group> <group id="6" restype="row"> <trans-unit id="3" resname="333" xml:space="preserve"> <source xml:lang="en-us">Text</source> <target xml:lang="it-it">Text</target> </trans-unit> </group>

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