tags fail to be convert back when mqxliff goes through Translation Kit Creation & Post-Postprocessing

Issue #1181 resolved
Wei JIANG created an issue


I knew this may look unnecessary, but I would need for some mqxliff – xliff creates by memoQ – documents to go through the TKC & TKPP processes, so that I can process the translation table files by using a third-party tool in between. I get enormous warnings in the TKPP process - see below log - and  the resulted mqxliff documents are not good, as tags like <e1/>, <e2/>, etc. in the translation table  file fail to be converted back, in both source and target.

The log:

=== Start process

Input: /X:/projects_202001/un/un20230112/tag/pack_test/manifest.rkm

Merging: test.docx_zho-CN.mqxliff

WARNING: Can't find matching source Code(s) id='1' originalId='' data='<b1/>', Closing data='<e1/>' in TU null

Segment: "This is is a <b1/><b2/>mini<e1/><e2/> test file...."

WARNING: Can't find matching source Code(s) id='2' originalId='' data='<b2/>', Closing data='<e2/>' in TU null

Segment: "This is is a <b1/><b2/>mini<e1/><e2/> test file...."

WARNING: Can't find matching source Code(s) id='1' originalId='' data='<e1/>' in TU null

Segment: "This is is a <b1/><b2/>mini<e1/><e2/> test file...."

WARNING: Can't find matching source Code(s) id='2' originalId='' data='<e2/>' in TU null

Segment: "This is is a <b1/><b2/>mini<e1/><e2/> test file...."

WARNING: Can't find matching target Code(s) id='1' originalId='' data='<e1/>' in TU 1

Segment: "This is is a <b1/><b2/>mini<e1/><e2/> test file...."

WARNING: Can't find matching target Code(s) id='2' originalId='' data='<e2/>' in TU 1

Segment: "This is is a <b1/><b2/>mini<e1/><e2/> test file...."

WARNING: Can't find matching source Code(s) id='1' originalId='' data='{}' in TU 1

Segment: "This is is a {}{}mini{}{} test file...."

WARNING: Can't find matching source Code(s) id='2' originalId='' data='{}' in TU 1

Segment: "This is is a {}{}mini{}{} test file...."

WARNING: Can't find matching source Code(s) id='1' originalId='' data='<b1/>', Closing data='<e1/>' in TU 1

Segment: "This is is a <b1/><b2/>mini<e1/><e2/> test file...."

WARNING: Can't find matching source Code(s) id='2' originalId='' data='<b2/>', Closing data='<e2/>' in TU 1

Segment: "This is is a <b1/><b2/>mini<e1/><e2/> test file...."

WARNING: Can't find matching source Code(s) id='1' originalId='' data='<e1/>' in TU 1

Segment: "This is is a <b1/><b2/>mini<e1/><e2/> test file...."

WARNING: Can't find matching source Code(s) id='2' originalId='' data='<e2/>' in TU 1

Segment: "This is is a <b1/><b2/>mini<e1/><e2/> test file...."

Error count: 0, Warning count: 12

Process duration: 0h 0m 3s 369ms

=== End process

The original mqxliff content:

<trans-unit id="1" mq:minorversionend="1" mq:minorversionstart="0" mq:status="NotStarted" mq:segmentguid="e31e516e-7d8e-43c8-9663-2858d00e59b3" mq:lastchangedtimestamp="0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" mq:maxlengthchars="-1" mq:nosplitjoin="false" mq:firstlabel="1" mq:lastlabel="1" mq:autosplitjoinstate="0" mq:lastmodifrole="0" mq:multipleexactmatch="false">

<source xml:space="preserve" mq:segpart="1">This is is a <bpt id="1" ctype="bold">{}</bpt><bpt id="2" ctype="italic">{}</bpt>mini<ept id="1">{}</ept><ept id="2">{}</ept> test file.</source>

<target xml:space="preserve"></target>

The translation table content:

TransTableV1           en-US zh-CN

"okpCtx:sd=d3:tu=1:s=0"  "This is is a <b1/><b2/>mini<e1/><e2/> test file."            ""

The converted mqxliff content:

<trans-unit id="1" mq:minorversionend="1" mq:minorversionstart="0" mq:status="NotStarted" mq:segmentguid="e31e516e-7d8e-43c8-9663-2858d00e59b3" mq:lastchangedtimestamp="0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" mq:maxlengthchars="-1" mq:nosplitjoin="false" mq:firstlabel="1" mq:lastlabel="1" mq:autosplitjoinstate="0" mq:lastmodifrole="0" mq:multipleexactmatch="false">

<source xml:space="preserve" mq:segpart="1">This is is a <bpt id="1" ctype="bold">{}</bpt><bpt id="2" ctype="italic">{}</bpt>mini<e1/><e2/> test file.</source>

<target xml:space="preserve">This is is a <bpt id="1" ctype="bold">{}</bpt><bpt id="2" ctype="italic">{}</bpt>mini<e1/><e2/> test file.</target>

For you to test, attached is the full package.



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