CI: building and testing on Windows

Issue #1185 resolved
Denis Konovalyenko created an issue

This is a follow-up of the discussion in the devel list and in pull request #669.

Jim Hargrave Work

We've had a number of cases where tests are failing on windows. This is normally an OS difference like path separators etc.. The OpenXml filter has been broken for a while on Windows (not sure why no one logged an issue??)

I think we should require all PR's to have tests pass on Windows before merge. This is made easier by this free virtual dev environment:

Just download the VM of your choice - set up minimal build environment (maybe Yves can give us instructions?) - then run the build with tests.

Not sure if these VM's expire - if so resetting up a build environment would be pain. But I guess that is the cost of multi-platform development.

@Chase Tingley @Denis Konovalyenko How do you guys feel about the windows testing I referred to in the group mail? You can get a free VM. I think if you just install intelliJ that’s all you would need to run the tests. I’m going to start doing this. We have a good number of Windows users in our company.

Jim Hargrave Work

I spent all day trying to get a windows environment. Everything was easy except I could never get IntelliJ to recognize my git install. This seems to be a know problem. Maybe try again with eclipse.

Yves is still stuck with the OpenXml path issues. I wouldn’t want to approve any more OpenXml/IDML PR’s until we can fix those.

Denis Konovalyenko

As for the builds and running tests on Windows, what do think about having a CI for that - for instance - AppVeyor? It would probably be better to create a new topic issue to continue this discussion there…

Comments (2)

  1. jhargrave-straker

    CI would be preferable - but having another account, configuration, different tools, learning curve and maintenance may be more trouble than it’s worth. But this is worth exploring.

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