Cannot run Rainbow 1.45.0 on my Windows 10 machine

Issue #1198 closed
mzeid created an issue

Double clicking on rainbow.exe throws 2 consecutive error messages:

The first is:

Java Virtual Machine Launcher

Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again


and the second one is:

Java Virtual Machine Launcher

A Java Exception has occurred.


Please note that on the same machine, I have no problem running “1.41.0” version.



Comments (4)

  1. jhargrave-straker

    A clean install works for me on Windows 10 64bit. Delete all versions of okapi (you can reinstall them if needed) - then install 1.45.0. Uninstall all versions of Java except 11 or 17 (the ones we support) or better uninstall everything then reinstall Java 11 or 17.

    Also check your PATH to make sure it isn’t pointing to an old Java’s or DLL’s.

  2. mzeid reporter

    Thanks a million @jhargrave-straker ! I confirm that uninstalling Java, and reinstalling Java 17 resolved the issue.

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