Wrong parameters in StartDocument resource for TSV in Table Filter

Issue #124 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 124](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=124) created by @ysavourel on 2010-02-21T15:53:16.000Z:

The parameters provided through the StartDocument resource at the START\_DOCUMENT event with the Table filter are not complete.

When rainbow creates an XLIFF package, it copies the parameters file to a 'original' directory so the original file can be re-processed with the same parameters when merging back.

In the case of using a TSV configuration, the .fprm copied in 'original' is different from the one used to process the file. The difference seems to be the parametersClass data.

Looking at the Parameters object when the copying (when START\_DOCUMENT occurs) we can see that that variable is not in the object.

The attached file okf\_table@ test.fprm' shows the original file and '1.fprm' is the copy obtained from the Parameters object when START\_DOCUMENT occurs.

This result in caling the wrong filter when merging back. Causing errors and preventing the files to be merged back.

The problem maybe because the parametersClassName is in OkapiComponent rather than Parameters?

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