Mac M2: Running LongHorn with Tomcat issue

Issue #1307 new
Arjun V created an issue

Dear all,

I have recently tried to install LongHorn in my M2 machine.

  • i have installed and setup the Tomcat using brew.
  • The war file is pasted on the webapps folder. It automatically created the folder
  • created a new file okapi-longhorn-configuration.xml under ${user.dir}
  • Updated the <working-directory> to the folder that exists.
  • While i was able to access the Tomcat, i see below 404 error while accessing the /projects page

Error message: The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.

From the error it looks like the okapi-longhorn-configuration.xml is not accessible or the directory given on the file is not accessible by the server.

Any help will be much Appreciated.



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