Xliff 2 - Support for copyOf attribute in <ph>, <pc>, <sc>, <ec> elements

Issue #1308 resolved
Philipp created an issue

Is there a plan to add full support for the copyOf attribute in Xliff 2 <ph>, <pc>, <sc>, <ec> elements?

I find that currently we have the following situation:

net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.reader.XLIFFReader#setOtherInlineAttributes -> supported

net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.core.Fragment#toXLIFF(java.util.Stack<net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.NSContext>, java.util.Stack<net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.core.InheritedData>, boolean) -> not supported

net.sf.okapi.filters.xliff2.util.PropertiesMapper#setCodeProperties(net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.core.CTag, net.sf.okapi.common.resource.Code) -> not supported

I think it would help to identify original codes for custom mergers if the copyOf value could be read from a net.sf.okapi.common.resource.Code object when merging translations from Xliff 2 back to native format.

Is it possible to implement support for a Property or Annotation to transfer this information to the Okapi common object model?

Thank you!

Comments (2)

  1. jhargrave-straker
    • changed status to open

    Hi Philip. I am going to up vote this ticket and we will prioritize it for 1.46.0 release.

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