OKS Open office does not create RTF translation package

Issue #131 invalid
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 131](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=131) created by marco.cev... on 2010-03-25T21:21:58.000Z:

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Add an ODS file to Rainbow 2.Create a translation package (RTF)

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

Start process

Translation Package Creation

-- Input: export\_keys-es-untranslated.ods ERROR: Error with utility. You cannot use the RTF writer with no skeleton writer. The filter you are trying to use may be incompatible with an RTF output. @ java.security.InvalidParameterException: You cannot use the RTF writer with no skeleton writer. The filter you are trying to use may be incompatible with an RTF output. java.security.InvalidParameterException: You cannot use the RTF writer with no skeleton writer. The filter you are trying to use may be incompatible with an RTF output.

at net.sf.okapi.applications.rainbow.packages.rtf.Writer.setSkeletonWriter(Writer.java:57)

at net.sf.okapi.applications.rainbow.utilities.extraction.Utility.processStartDocument(Utility.java:203)

at net.sf.okapi.applications.rainbow.utilities.extraction.Utility.handleEvent(Utility.java:168)

at net.sf.okapi.applications.rainbow.utilities.BaseFilterDrivenUtility.processFilterInput(BaseFilterDrivenUtility.java:71)

at net.sf.okapi.applications.rainbow.UtilityDriver.execute(UtilityDriver.java:214)

at net.sf.okapi.applications.rainbow.MainForm.launchUtility(MainForm.java:1502)

at net.sf.okapi.applications.rainbow.MainForm.access$5400(MainForm.java:114)

at net.sf.okapi.applications.rainbow.MainForm$75.widgetSelected(MainForm.java:1381)

at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(Unknown Source)

at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(Unknown Source)

at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Unknown Source)

at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Unknown Source)

at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Unknown Source)

at net.sf.okapi.applications.rainbow.MainForm.run(MainForm.java:1477)

at net.sf.okapi.applications.rainbow.Main.main(Main.java:43)

Error count: 1, Warning count: 0 Process duration: 0h 0m 0s 47ms

End process

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Rainbow 6.0.6.

Please provide any additional information below.

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [1.](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=131#c1) originally posted by @ysavourel on 2010-03-25T21:35:03.000Z:

    The message "The filter you are trying to use may be incompatible with an RTF output" indicates the problem.

    An ODS file (as well as ODT, ODP, DOCX, etc.) is a zip file with several internal files. Unlike HTML files or Java properties. They cannnot be output as-it with an RTF layer: they are essentially the same as binary files. In short: if you cannot edit the file in a text editor, it cannot be output as RTF.

    Such files can be prepared as Generic XLIFF documents or OmegaT projects instead. Hope this helps. -ys

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [3.](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=131#c3) originally posted by marco.cev... on 2010-03-26T08:09:45.000Z:

    And this is the error message when XLIFF is selected. The ODS file is under a NDA, so I cannot post it here, but can send it to you per e-mail if you're interested in establish the error cause. Of course, I'll understand if you're not willing to do it.

    Kind regards


  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [4.](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=131#c4) originally posted by marco.cev... on 2010-03-26T09:15:59.000Z:

    I have tried to copy paste the column with text in another ODS and this one is correctly prepared by Rainbow (except than RTF layer), so you can just ignore the other comments. Apparently the problem lies in the file.



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