Question regarding XSLX Performance issues

Issue #1324 resolved
Johan Warnar Lando Boekkooi created an issue

Hey all,

First of thank you every much for looking at this issue and maintaining the Okapi Framework!

Now I was debugging a issue with a 15MB xslx file (sorry can’t share it) and noticed during profiling that this.stringItems.get in was taking forever to get a single item.

I did a quick MonkeyPath to replace the new LinkedList<>() on line 85 with a new java.util.ArrayList() this really increased the speed from over 15 minutes (after which I aborted the run) to around 20 seconds for my simple timeline.

Now I was wondering if there was a specific reason for using a LinkedList or if this could be changed to some other list to improve performance?

Looking forward to your answer and have a great weekend!

Comments (5)

  1. jhargrave-straker
    • changed status to open

    That is very interesting! We should do a profile to see if there are any other bottlenecks.

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