HtmlFilter - translate=no not applied correctly in nested elements

Issue #1327 resolved
Philipp created an issue

HTML/XHTML filter fails to handle translate="no" elements within nested inline elements correctly:

Given the HTML file

<p><span style="font-weight: bold;"><span translate="no"><span style="font-style: italic;">This is a Test </span></span>This is a Test 2</span></p>

When we use the HTML/XHTML filter to convert this, using the okf_html configuration we get the following XLIFF:

<source xml:lang="en"><bx id="1"/><x id="2"/></source>

The translatable text content of the outer span elements gets lost/protected from translation.

The bug can be reproduced in Okapi Version 1.45.0.

I created a PR which solves this issue:

This PR also solves

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