Google Cloud Machine Translation timeout for large texts

Issue #1339 open
Marsee S created an issue

It turns out that there is apparently a timeout on the Okapi side for translating large xliff. The translation crashes with an error after some time (about 3 minutes). At the same time the google account is charged, so the error is not on their side. With a smaller number of characters, e.g. 50000, everything works, the problem is when there are really many characters, e.g. reproduced at ~178000.

Can you confirm that there is a timeout, and is there anything I can do to increase it on my side?

Comments (3)

  1. jhargrave-straker

    Have you tried updating these parameters?

    @Marsee S

    // The most likely error we will encounter is the rate limit of 100k
            // characters translated per 100 seconds.  We will retry every 10s
            // up to 10x, which is enough to flush the rate limit.
            setRetryIntervalMs(10 * 1000);

    The retryCount should probably be much higher.

  2. Marsee S reporter

    @Jim Hargrave

    I've seen those parameters, but apparently I didn't quite get their meaning.

    Will increasing the number of attempts help even if one whole big xliff file is sent? I thought it would only help if there are many files (so files that are not within the 100k limit will be sent later)

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