xliff 1.2 filter doubles segments of xliff file with pre-filled target, if pcdataSubfilter is usedxliff 1.2 filter doubles segments of xliff file with pre-filled target, if pcdataSubfilter is used

Issue #1350 resolved
Marc Mittag created an issue

I have the attached file


I parse it with the xliff parser settings in Rainbow, that you see in attached image. Please see also attached the pipeline I used in Rainbow and the connected fprm-files.

Then I get the resulting also attached file


What is strange for me, is that every segment is doubled.

Instead of 1 trans-unit I get 2 like the example shows:

In input xliff I have:

<trans-unit id="some-id-of-the-xliff-trans-unit" resname="StructureGroupLang.Name">
                  <source xml:lang="de">Test zu übersetzen</source>  
                  <target xml:lang="fr" maxlength="250">Test à traduire</target>

In output xlf I have:

<group id="some-id-of-the-xliff-trans-unit_ssf1" resname="sub-filter:StructureGroupLang.Name">
<trans-unit id="some-id-of-the-xliff-trans-unit_sf1_tu1" resname="StructureGroupLang.Name_1">
<source xml:lang="de">Test zu übersetzen</source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg">Test zu übersetzen</mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="fr"></target>
<group id="some-id-of-the-xliff-trans-unit_ssf2" resname="sub-filter:StructureGroupLang.Name">
<trans-unit id="some-id-of-the-xliff-trans-unit_sf2_tu1" resname="StructureGroupLang.Name_1">
<source xml:lang="de">Test à traduire</source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg">Test à traduire</mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="fr"></target>

Yet I would have expected in output xlf something like

<group id="some-id-of-the-xliff-trans-unit_ssf1" resname="sub-filter:StructureGroupLang.Name">
<trans-unit id="some-id-of-the-xliff-trans-unit_sf1_tu1" resname="StructureGroupLang.Name_1">
<source xml:lang="de">Test zu übersetzen</source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg">Test zu übersetzen</mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="fr">Test à traduire</target>

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