Segmentation step in Translation Kit Creation ignored completely

Issue #1358 open
Marco Cevoli created an issue

I’m trying to convert a few HTML files with placeholders to XLIFF files. Additionally, I’d like to use a set of SRX rules.

However, when creating the Translation Kit these SRX rules are ignored: XLIFF are created, but are wrongly segmented.

I’m attaching one of the HTML files and our SRX.

If you succeed in converting it so that “C.d.S.” is considered one word, please let me know.

Comments (6)

  1. Marco Cevoli reporter

    Thanks. Where should I change that? Is there an option? I forgot to mention I’m using Rainbow under Win 10.

  2. Marco Cevoli reporter

    Both http and https give an error page if you visit them through a browser. And, indeed, changing to https has no effect on the output of the Translator’s Kit feature.

  3. jhargrave-straker

    The error page is expected - it’s only the the identifier that is important. we’ll take a look to see what else may be the issue. thank you!

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