Record ID not used in Table Filter

Issue #136 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 136]( created by @ysavourel on 2010-06-20T14:00:47.000Z:

In the table filter (for CSV), it seems that defining a column that is a record ID is not working: the column is not used. The code seems to show that the recordID column is used only if a sourceID column is also defined and is empty. It shoud be useable even when no sourceId column is defined.

See this report for additional information:

Comments (7)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
    • changed status to new

    Comment [2.]( originally posted by @ysavourel on 2010-07-19T14:27:52.000Z:

    Actually it seems this issue is not fixed.

    My understanding from the comment in the parameters code for RecordID:

    "If there is the recordIdColumn index, and a source ID for the given column is not specified in the sourceIdColumns, then the source ID for that column is compiled of the value in recordIdColumn column, and the corresponding suffix in the sourceIdSuffixes."

    To me it means if no sourceId is defined, but a recordID is define, the name of the TU will be the recordID value + the source suffix. That make sense.

    But it seems the code itself does not allow this:

    The part where the recordId and the suffix work together is in a if blobk starting like this:

    if (isSourceId(colNumber))

    which means it will never get triggered since there is no sourceID, which is the reason why we use recordId + suffice in the first place.

    maybe the ! is missing?


  2. Former user Account Deleted
    • changed status to new

    Comment [6.]( originally posted by @ysavourel on 2010-07-21T16:50:18.000Z:

    It seems we have re-introduce an older bug while fixing this one:

    "However – I almost don't dare to say it – another (old?) issue crept in: once I change anything on the "table" tab, close and re-open the settings, all entries are re-set to the default values. When I edit the FPRM file externally and open it in Rainbow, my settings are preserved. As far as I can see this behaviour has not been present in the 10-07-15 snapshot."

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