Xlsx conversion to xlf - mixed mrk tag values

Issue #1362 open
Dragana Gligorovska created an issue


We have tried to convert xlsx to xlf, but the values under <mrk> does not look right

The examples of the xlsx and xlf are attached

We can see in the xlf file the values under the mrk tags are not properly divided.

<mrk mid="1"> contain “Description 1“, “Description 2” and “Description 3”. Then under <mrk mid=”2” we have Description 4 only and under <mrk mid="3"> we have the Descritpion 5 and the closing script tag

Thank you

Dragana Gligorovska

Comments (6)

  1. jhargrave-straker

    Did you configure an HTML subfilter? By default the OpenXml filter will treat the contents as plain text.


  2. Dragana Gligorovska reporter

    We have setup the subfilter=okf_html , but we are missing the whole json content in the xlif file with this subfilter. Please check the miniXlsx-html.xliff and miniXlsx-html-original.xliff

    Could you please let us know if there is another way? Thank you

  3. jhargrave-straker

    Hard to tell from one example, but you may need to define your own HTML subfilter configuration file that itself has a JSON subfilter (okf_json). If the JSON format is consistent you could use the regex filter to define regular expressions to extract the JSON strings.

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