LanguageTool integration in CheckMate ignores region code

Issue #1368 open
Daniel Hug created an issue

CheckMate uses only the language code when calling the LanguageTool API, ignoring the region code:

If I provoke an error, I can see the whole string sent to the LT API:

Error with LanguageTool server. All LT checks are skipped from this text unit on. Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: http://localhost:8081?oink=1/v2/check?language=en&text=[obfuscated]&srctext=[obfuscated]&motherTongue=en

For languages like English or Spanish, this makes the LanguageTool integration almost worthless, so this would be good to fix.

As for the motherTongue, it would be good to be able to override this. Default on source language/region, but with the option to override (plain text field?)

Also very useful (and probably very simple to implement) would be a plain text field to enter additional parameters that would be attached to the string sent to LT. Currently, the user can define the domain part, then comes the dynamic part with languages and source and target text. If the user could attach more parameters by entering “&myparam=1” or the like in a text field, that would be cool. I know that’s a feature request, but it might be possible to tack it onto this bugfix.

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