Excel parameters not working

Issue #143 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 143](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=143) created by @ysavourel on 2010-09-24T20:37:01.000Z:

It seems the OpenXML parameters are not taken into account. For example if you exclude all columns but A, all text from all columns still get extracted.

The original post used View instead of creating a separate parameter file, but the problem still exist with a separate parameters file.

= original post:


I've tried to set the Excel options by doing this: - drag and drop a xlsx file with 2 columns, one marked English, the other Italian, same text from line 2 to line 10. - double click on filter name - Input document properties opens - Click View... - Click on Excel options tab - Check column A (alternatively, I also checked column A AND Exclude marked columns in each sheet - Click on OK - Click on OK If I open the same windows again, the settings are not maintained. If I convert the files (to XLIFF or to OmegaT package) no column, nor color is excluded.

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