Table filter: "exclude qualifiers" option creates in-line code

Issue #156 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 156]( created by frank.kuh... on 2010-12-19T12:25:30.000Z:

When I have a CSV record like

1,"""eins"" zwei"

and extract it with the "exclude qualifiers" option set the embedded qualifiers are not excluded, but inserted as in-line code:

<source xml:lang="de-de"><ph id="1">"</ph><ph id="2">"</ph>eins<ph id="3">"</ph><ph id="4">"</ph> zwei</source>

I think the expected result should look like this:

<source xml:lang="de-de">"eins" zwei</source>

Is there any way to change this behaviour?


Comments (2)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [2.]( originally posted by @ysavourel on 2011-02-17T15:38:10.000Z:

    A filter is not allowed to remove parts of original text, it can only split it into parts and send the part as either source/target text, skeleton, or in-line codes in source/target text.

    If it was not so, the filter writer wouldn't have been able to restore the original format with missing original info (e.g. removed qualifiers).

    What should probably be used for the task is a search-and-replace step, configured to locate and remove qualifiers.

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