Duplicated extra code in HTML filter output

Issue #170 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 170](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=170) created by @ysavourel on 2011-03-15T22:14:32.000Z:

In a ASP file with <%...%> tags there are cases where we get duplicated output:

For example the input:

"<li><a href="link1.asp" <% If strPage = "link2.asp" Then %> class="current" <%End If%> >Pay My Visa Fee</a></li>"

is written back:

"<li><a href="link1.asp" <% If strPage = "link2.asp" Then %> class="current" <%End If%> ><% If strPage = "link2.asp" Then %><%End If%>Pay My Visa Fee</a></li>"

It looks like an inline code is duplicated? Or a problem with references? or something twice added to the skeleton?

The XLIFF output show just one reference to a document-part, but it also merges the duplicated code.

I've used a simple re-write to reproduce the issue. -ys

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