okf_properties-html-subfilter generates duplicated id in xliff

Issue #243 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 243](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=243) created by mihn... on 2012-06-14T18:36:44.000Z:

What steps will reproduce the problem?

Take a simple .properties file (attached): key1=This is value 1. key2=This is value 2.

Convert to xlf using okf\_properties-html-subfilter.

The result contains duplicated Ids (in this case tu1, attached)

This is not correct, according to the XLIFF spec:

"The required id attribute is used to uniquely identify the <trans-unit> within all <trans-unit> and <bin-unit> elements within the same <file>."


Comments (1)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [1.](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=243#c1) originally posted by @ysavourel on 2012-06-15T14:01:41.000Z:

    The issue is fixed in the subfilter-with-events branch, the events look like this:

    <group id="key1\_ssf1" resname="sub-filter:key1"> <trans-unit id="key1\_tu1" resname="key1\_1"> <source xml:lang="en-us">This is value 1.</source> <target xml:lang="ru-ru">This is value 1.</target> </trans-unit> </group>

    <group id="key2\_ssf2" resname="sub-filter:key2"> <trans-unit id="key2\_tu1" resname="key2\_1"> <source xml:lang="en-us">This is value 2.</source> <target xml:lang="ru-ru">This is value 2.</target> </trans-unit> </group>

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