Stripped characters from converted translated files

Issue #246 new
Former user created an issue

Original issue 246 created by marco.cev... on 2012-06-22T09:10:10.000Z:

I'm translating a WordPress website. We're making use of WPML, the translation management plugin. It works well, except that their XLIFF export simply puts the articles content inside CDATA. In this way, all internal formatting (HTML tags) is not automatically recognised by the CAT tool we're using.

As a workaround, I convert these XLIFFs generated by WPML into proper XLIFF in Rainbow. I choose the XMLStream filter (okf_xmlstream-JavaPropertiesHTML). In the resulting XLIFF all tags are correctly locked, so translators can work safely without messing with the HTML tags.

Now the issue: sometimes, when I convert back the contents, the converted files in the DONE folder do not have the first characters. Let's say the original filename was ACME123_translation-job-33.xliff, the file in DONE has the name 23_translation-job-33.xliff.

I'm using latest snapshot at today's date (22/06/2012)



Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
    • changed status to open

    Comment [1.]( originally posted by @ysavourel on 2012-07-05T02:40:38.000Z:

    I cannot reproduce the issue so far. The example works fine for me with the default settings.

    Do you specify any output options? Did you notice a specific pattern for the file names? (always the same number of characters is missing, etc.)? Is the full path very long? (could it be near the maximum length allowed (around 250 chars)

    thanks -ys

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