Plugin manager has no rights to create dropin in Windows as user

Issue #255 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 255]( created by @ysavourel on 2012-07-18T18:49:48.000Z:

from user:

I tried to install the latest Trados Utilities dropin and I got an error

I also discovered the reason for getting this error: This is a permissions issue in Windows. By default Rainbow runs at the user permission level, but if Rainbow is installed in the “Programs Files” folder, like I have it (as it is a program), Rainbow will have no permission to create folders/files. Is there a way in Rainbow/Java to initialize the dropin manager with administrator permissions using UAC controls in Windows (or at least check for the correct permissions)? This would allow users to place their Rainbow “installation” in any location that they want and not have to “Run as administrator”.

--> need to make sure at least an error is generated when installing.

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