Error returned when converting csv to tmx

Issue #256 invalid
Former user created an issue

Original issue 256 created by polytrans2... on 2012-07-24T03:23:40.000Z:

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.You drop the csv file into input list, and a apply the filter (okf_table@ ms-csv.fprm)
3.Your export the csv to tmx by selecting Utilities>Conversion Utilities>Format Conversion/TMX document

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I got this errors:

=== Start process

-- Input: //jiangw-530/tm/raw/ms/2012-06/hk_ui_strings_glossary_jun_2012_x86_x64_/zho-hkg-csv-WindowsVista.csv
ERROR: -57616

Error count: 1, Warning count: 0
Process duration: 0h 0m 35s 941ms
=== End process

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Rainbow 6.0.17
(Java versio: 1.7.0_05)

Please provide any additional information below.

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 3. originally posted by @ysavourel on 2012-11-30T17:30:19.000Z:

    The problem seemed to be caused by an invalid input file.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 5. originally posted by @ysavourel on 2013-08-07T05:40:14.000Z:

    Correct status change. the fix was for issue comment 35.6 not comment 25.6.

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