Batch Translation Step not writing output file

Issue #260 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 260]( created by @fliden on 2012-07-28T01:17:59.000Z:

If running the Batch Translation Step as the only step and just doing a copy of the file from ${inputPath} to ${outputPath} it doesn't write out the original file.

In addition the following error is outputted:

Total entries sent to translation = 918 ERROR: null

However, if checking the create TMX file and specifying an output tmx. It processes without errors. But still doesn't output the original file.

It does pass the file down the pipeline though so other steps can use it. It would be nice to be able to do a quick and dirty BatchTranslation

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [1.]( originally posted by @ysavourel on 2012-07-28T04:33:53.000Z:

    There maybe multiple issues. First I think you cannot just run a "copy ${inputPath} ${outputPath}" as that causes error when launching the process. You can run "cmd /C copy ${inputPath} ${outputPath}", which spawns the DOS shell and call copy.

    Once that works we still have a bug in theway we end the callto the BatchTranslator. If no TMX is produced and even if 'send tmx output to the next step' is off the endBatch() method of the BatchTranslator tries to generate the multi-events event with a null tmx path.

    We need to a) make sure endBatch() does generate the multi-events event only when asked, and generate an error if there is no tmx (actually we should check that early on).

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