Option to not pre-segment and/or pre-fill the target in RTF Kits

Issue #262 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Original issue 262 created by @ysavourel on 2012-08-02T04:47:08.000Z:

Split from issue comment 24.5:

"Additionally, when the Translation Kit Creation utility is used, the RTF is created with the text pre-segmented and the source text copied to the target. Can we modify the utility so this does not happen?"

Comments (3)

  1. Fredrik L

    Fyi, another user asked about the default segmentation in RTF.

    In the XLIFFSkeletonWriter when extracting to rtf the getLayer() != null so it ignores the doSegments.

    if ( doSegments || (( getLayer() != null ) && tu.isTranslatable() && !trgCont.equals(srcCont) ))

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