Code Finder seems not to work on HTML Filter for attributes

Issue #276 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 276]( created by @ysavourel on 2012-09-27T02:44:22.000Z:

code finder expressions working on element content seems to have no effect on attribute values in HTML Filter.

Comments (9)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [3.]( originally posted by @ysavourel on 2012-10-01T14:47:06.000Z:

    I've tested on this:

    <p>text VAR1 <img src='abc.png' alt="text VAR2 alt"> text</p>

    with this code finder rule (in addition to the normal HTML rules):

    useCodeFinder: true codeFinderRules: "\#v1




    and, indeed, the element content VAR1 is seen as in-line code, but while the value of alt is correctly extracted, VAR2 is not set as in-line code.

    I'll look at it more. It's probably a call we don't do for attributes. -ys

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [4.]( originally posted by @ysavourel on 2012-10-01T17:26:39.000Z:

    It seems EventBuilder.embeddedTextUnit() called in processAllEmbedded() is not applying the code-finder to the extracted text.

    I'm guessing postProcessTextUnit() should be called in processAllEmbedded() or embeddedTextUnit().

    Jim: I can try to make the fix, but you may want to confirm it's the wat to do it. I'll wait to hear back from you. No rush.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [6.]( originally posted by @ysavourel on 2012-10-01T18:22:06.000Z:

    postProcessTextUnit() is already called in endTextUnit - which theoretically should cover all cases. But it seems I hard code TU creation in some cases by-passing the EventBuilder API's.

    A quick workaround should be to add postProcessTextUnit to embeddedTextUnit - that should cover the remaining cases. We'll just need to be careful in the future so this is not called twice if we end up creating the textunit with startTU and endTu


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