Versified RTF-based Tkits do not generate a tw4winInternal style for inline codes...

Issue #279 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Original issue 279 created by @ysavourel on 2012-10-01T23:52:33.000Z:

at least not in all cases. See notes from user:

In another file I found that some tags are formatted; others not.

For example:


The first one <1/> is not formatted while <2> is formatted as tw4winInternal.

The first file was an IDML in which nothing was formatted, and the current one is a TTX file in which there are some tags not formatted.

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [1.]( originally posted by @ysavourel on 2012-10-01T23:55:59.000Z:

    Looking at the source code I don't see how any inline tags could be given the RTF style tw4winInternal. But the tkit package -> filter writing -> skeleton writing -> layer writing code is pretty complicated. I'm not sure what plus into where.

    Here the the line from the VersifiedTxtFilterWriter that seems to bypass the RTFLayerWriter:

    String tmp; tmp = formatter.printSegmentedContent(tc, false, false);

    I think we should be using the GenericSkeletonWriter in this case which can take an ILayer (RTF in this case)

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [2.]( originally posted by yasmin.mos... on 2012-10-02T05:17:25.000Z:

    I am attaching the sample file (\*.ttx).

    There are two issues:

    1- The one described above: some inline tags are formatted as tw4winInternal while others are not.

    2- In the output file after the "Translation Kit Post-Processing", some of the <1/> like tags remain in the generated file. For a TTX, this caused the file to be invalid, and it could not be open in TagEditor - you can check the same attached package in the folder "done". For a TXML, the file could be opened in WFP, but there are those additional tags.

    Many thanks, Yasmin

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