Error when running document through the CodeSimplifierStep

Issue #294 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Original issue 294 created by mrh... on 2012-12-03T14:06:09.000Z:

I run the attached file through the Extraction and Merge steps and all works well. If I add the CodeSimplifierStep, I get a document that cannot be read. If I view the word/document.xml I see the following: -ERR:REF-NOT-FOUND-

Both input and output (english to english) attached.

Comments (3)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 2. originally posted by @fliden on 2013-01-31T20:42:33.000Z:

    Assuming you're running a pipeline like inside of Rainbow:

    Rawdoc to Filter Events
    Code Simplifier
    Rainbow Translation Kit Creation

    The problem is that the merge is not currently aware of the Code Simplifier step and uses the original input file. At that point the inline codes do not match up.

    This is a general issue not specific to the CodeSimplifier and there's no generic fix. It's possible to add a code simplifier option but that only solves one specific instance, there might be other steps with similar problems. We opened an issue for enhancement that would use the intermediary resources for the merge and not the original file that would solve this kinds of issues.

    Let us know if you have any other feedback, thanks

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