XMLStreamFilter while handling HTML CDATA produces spurious segments.

Issue #332 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original issue 332 created by 143.ravik... on 2013-04-26T09:38:08.000Z:

With okapi M20 The XMLStream filter class while parsing the CDATA section using the HTML sub-filter creates an extra spurious placeholder text unit for each CDATA within the file -

<trans-unit id="tu1" restype="x-cdata">
<source xml:lang="en-us"><ph id="1">[#$tu1_ssf1]</ph></source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><ph id="1">[#$tu1_ssf1]</ph></mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="fr-fr"><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><ph id="1">[#$tu1_ssf1]</ph></mrk></target>

This issue was discussed in the following ticket -

Further the fix was marked dependent on the ticketcomment 30.3,which was also similar but related to PCDATA parsing instead of CDATA-

The fix for ticket # 303 doesn't seem to work for ticket # 320. Unable to reopen the ticketcomment 32.0 hence opening a new one.

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