Okapi build does not use the cloudbees repository

Issue #343 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original issue 343 created by and...@spartansoftwareinc.com on 2013-06-15T02:47:33.000Z:

The Okapi build does not look for artifacts in the cloudbees repository. This would make it easy to build (or run) one artifact in the tree without building the whole thing.

I added this to superpom/pom.xml. Also, I removed the maven2.okapi.googlecode.com repository, which doesn't seem to contain anything useful.

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 2. originally posted by @ysavourel on 2013-06-15T07:11:21.000Z:

    I think there a reason why we have the maven2.okapi.googlecode.com repository there. I can't recall why though.
    Something to do with making the local build work when the local repository is older/newer, or something like this.
    We need to check.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 3. originally posted by @ysavourel on 2013-06-16T05:47:53.000Z:

    maven2.okapi.googlecode.com holds the SWT dependencies.
    But maybe this is not true anymore. I don't know. We still use SWT 4.2.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 4. originally posted by and...@spartansoftwareinc.com on 2013-06-17T17:07:49.000Z:

    I think I assumed that maven2.okapi.googlecode.com would hold okapi artifacts, and when I didn't see any there, I thought that it was obsolete. If it might still be useful, no need to touch it. Sorry for jumping to conclusions. :-)

    The important thing as for as I'm concerned is to add the cloudbees repositories. Updated commit against dev attached. (By the way, these attachments can be applied with "git am".)

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