Regex Test / BaseFilter

Issue #41 invalid
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 41]( created by @fliden on 2009-04-01T23:52:28.000Z:

I had to reinstall Eclipse and I moved the workspace folder over to Documents and settings and now the RegexTest is not working. Seems there's some path issue in the BaseParameter.

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [1.]( originally posted by @ysavourel on 2009-04-02T00:22:06.000Z:

    The baseParameter simply opens the file, so the problem is probably the path of the file itself. It is this weird way of getting files from the resources. The actual path read in my build is in bin, so maybe the .fprm does not get copied to the bin folder in your build?

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [2.]( originally posted by @fliden on 2009-04-02T01:03:00.000Z:

    Ok it looks like the files are in the bin folder. But it doesn't like the URI decoded path. If I change the test method to this:

    URL paramsUrl = RegexFilterTest.class.getResource("/okf\_regex@ StringInfo.fprm"); params.load(URLDecoder.decode(paramsUrl.getPath(),"utf-8"), false);

    it works, but I'm not sure if we should do that in the test or in the BaseParameter?

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