parsing error with > in PHP filter

Issue #414 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original issue 414 created by @ysavourel on 2014-08-24T14:46:27.000Z:

I think I found a bug.

In the following text:

introAnswer3 = 'The utilisation of the vSGP may be limited due to specific constraints such as occurrence of hard rock, protection zones, unsuitable soil types or a slope > 15°.

Everything after the first single quote character until the greater than character (included) is marked as an inline non-translatable part.


Comments (2)

  1. Chase Tingley

    Denis is looking at this.

    The problem has to do with the default rule for the inline code finder:


    This interprets the standalone '>' as the end of a partial tag and everything before it as part of the tag data.

    The suggested fix is to make that regex more restrictive.

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